Ongoing Works at Silverdale
We hope you and your loved ones had a happy and restful festive period.
We are writing to let you know about an issue that is affecting our Silverdale Practice site, which may have a temporary impact on where you have to go to access our services over the coming weeks.
Please be assured that our absolute priority is to ensure that you can continue to access the care you need and we are working hard to ensure all our patients can continue to access services and that any temporary arrangements will be for as short a time as possible.
As you may be aware, we are currently experiencing a drainage issue which is affecting our staff car park and practice building.
Whilst we have been able to reopen the site after a temporary closure over Christmas, services and access at our Silverdale Practice are still limited as essential work takes place to fix the issue.
At the current time, you do not need to do anything differently. If your appointment has been moved to our Avenue site, you will be informed by our Patient Services Team.
Everyone is working as hard as possible to resolve the problems but following a meeting with Southern Water and the landlord of our building, we have been advised that work to fix the drains may take around three months.
We are currently in close discussion with our colleagues at NHS Sussex to consider if we need to take any additional steps and if we do, we will keep you updated on progress as soon as we have further information, via direct communication and our practice website.
Please continue to contact the practice as you usually do – via eConsult or telephone – and our team will be there to help and guide you to the service you require. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our whole practice team for their work to manage the issue while keeping services open.
Thank you for your patience and understanding while we take action to rectify the situation, it is very much appreciated.