Spring Covid Top-up Vaccinations
Our GP Federation, Alliance for Better Care (ABC) will once again be providing the Covid vaccination service for our eligible patients at Clair Hall in Haywards Heath. The details of who are eligible and how to access appointments is below:
Vaccinations for:
· Adults aged 75 years and above (including those who will turn 75 by 30th June)
· Individuals aged 6 months-74 years who are immunosuppressed (as defined in the Green Book, tables 3 & 4)
Will start on Monday 22nd April and we will be running clinics at Clair Hall as usual. For the first two weeks we will open on three days per week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) and will then reduce to two days per week (Wednesday, Friday) subject to demand. Clinic times and dates will be updated on the vaccination programme pages of the ABC website – https://allianceforbettercare.org/vaccination-programme-patients/.
Patients will be able to book an appointment from Monday 15th April. Appointments can be booked in the following ways:
· On the NHS website – https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/covid-19-services/covid-19-vaccination-services/book-covid-19-vaccination/
· By calling 119
· On days when Clair Hall is open they can come in and we will book an appointment for them at our next available clinic
We will have limited capacity for walk-ins at Clair Hall but we recommend that patients book an appointment as this is the only way to guarantee that we will be able to vaccinate them.
The programme will end on 30th June and no vaccinations will be available after this date.